Karin Bredenberg: Records creators - Use of EAC-CPF in Archives Portal Europe

Take a look at our articles section where we just published a new article by Karin Bredenberg from the Swedish National Archives on Record creators - Use of EAC-CPF in Archives Portal Europe.

Click here for the text and short bio on the author.



Archives Portal Europe dashboard tutorial and DPT manual

The APEx project has created a tutorial video demonstrating how easy it is for archival institutions to publish content via the Archives Portal Europe. It is in Dutch. Please click here to view.

Also, we now have an updated DPT manual available in German and English here.

05 March 2014: Jour fixe at the Bundesarchiv (DE) 

Yet another Jour fixe at the Bundesarchiv in Berlin. The workshop is for German speaking archivists on managing archival data in the Archives Portal Europe at the Bundesarchiv, Berlin-Lichterfelde (DE).

Open for all interested archivists. Click here for more information.

New article online: The eastern and north-eastern European archives between digitisation, Web 2.0 and social media

You can now find the article which Doreen Kelimes presented at our Building infrastrucutres for archives in digital world conference in June 2013 in our articles section. Doreem Kelimes studied Intercultural European and American Studies with a focus on Russia and Poland at the University Halle-Wittenberg. She holds a M.A. in Slavic Studies. Since 2012 she has been working at the city of Speyer archives (DE).

Click here to read her article.

Release 1.2 of the Archives Portal Europe

We are happy to announce the release 1.2 of the Archives Portal Europe. It brings multiple new features and improved functionalities to the portal.

Departing from our first release in January 2013, the Archives Portal now offers a new specialty, the "Featured document": The presentation of collection gems from the content providers. Also, the portal's entire content is as of now findable via external search engines and as registered user you can now further personalize your search activities in the "My pages" section. Besides these user-oriented progressions, there have also been a number of improvements in the portal's backend.

To find out the details, click here.

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The APEx project is co-funded by the European Commission via the ICT PSP framework, 5th call, theme 2.1 - aggregating content for Europeana

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